Singapore’s TraceTogether Token

Singapore has developed a physical token to enable elderly and vulnerable people to easily be contact traced without the need of having the TraceTogether app. The device also overcomes some of the issues that are being faced with the mobile app, including battery drainage and issues when the app is running in the background or Read more about Singapore’s TraceTogether Token[…]

Latest print of book is out

This a quick post to say that I have just received the latest print of my book, now updated to cover off recent changes in legislation, plus some changes from feedback given by readers – much thanks! This makes the book even more useful to those looking to properly secure personal information in businesses and Read more about Latest print of book is out[…]

Will the last AU based start-up please turn off the light?

It appears the Australian Federal Government is determined to do a Thelma & Louise and literally drive off a cliff into the abyss over truly mindless and ill-conceived legislation as concerns encryption, privacy and security. It has the potential to make us totally uncompetitive in global information technology markets and cut off at the knees a fledgling Read more about Will the last AU based start-up please turn off the light?[…]

PII Hacking

Privacy and Security go hand in hand

In our modern world its difficult to comprehend how many systems hold various bits of information on you, it ranges from banks, credit score agencies, dentists, all the way to SaaS providers and your telco. Social networks also have mountains of information on you that they mine to work out your personal preferences, so they Read more about Privacy and Security go hand in hand[…]

Australian Privacy Policy

Privacy and Your Business, what are the risks?

Privacy is a big concern if you are running a business, regardless of size. All businesses need to keep sensitive information about their customers, staff, associations and potential customers – all of this will contain information that pertains to individuals which could cause them (and you) harm if illegal accessed or divulged. Further the ability Read more about Privacy and Your Business, what are the risks?[…]

PII Hacking

What is PII Really?

PII (Personally Identifiable Information) broadly speaking is information that relates directly to the individual (you) and allows you to be individually identified, plus it is often of a sensitive private nature. We explain in this article what it is and how to protect yourself against people trying to steal your identity through PII. Why is Read more about What is PII Really?[…]