It’s one thing to have a website developed and running, it’s something else to make it work at scale in a way that is cost effective and manageable.
Aykira can help you scale up your website and make it fly.
We have direct experience dealing with maintaining websites with up to a few million visitors per day. This gives us a rather unique perspective on how to scale websites correctly. It’s a combination of a science & art, you have to do the right things in the right order for it all work and keep growing easily. Not a lot of people have the experience to do this right, we are one of the few…
For instance did you notice how fast this web site loaded for you? That is no fluke – this site is running on one of our optimized servers. We focus very much on making sure the websites we maintain and host operate quickly, we are not into ‘bargain basement’ hosting for our customers, we know how much speed of response online relates to online success.
[box icon=”info” style=”simple”]Did you know that the speed of your website impacts how Google indexes your site? It’s true, Google gives a higher ranking score to faster websites, on the basis they are a better experience for the visitor and able to deal with more traffic.
Also, your website speed also impacts the quality score on AdWords – again a faster landing page gathers a higher rating, so by increasing your website performance it could gain your visitors and reduce your advertising costs…
[/box]We are very much of the view having a fast website as essential to success online, you get so little real quality time to get people’s attention and hold it, that having a slow website is doing you a massive disservice online. The time spent loading is time they could be using your website and learning about what your business does.
If you are interested in having us help you scale up or speed up your website, please fill in the form below.
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