February 22, 2014


Legal Statement

Our website and all its content are protected by © copyright and may be viewed only for your personal use. The copyright owners, Aykira Pty Ltd ACN 159 984 442 (Aykira), authorizes you to only make true copies of any published material on our site solely for the purpose of informing you and/or your organisation of the services and products offered by us. No other use is authorised. All rights reserved. You must contact us should you wish to use the material for another purpose and seek our permission. Email us via our contact form .

License Agreements
Should you download software products and/or applications from our website, by doing so you agree to and accept the terms and conditions set out in the License Agreement/s relevant to the downloaded software product and/or application. Should you purchase licensed software products and/or applications from us, our agents, representatives or other third parties, by installing the product, you are agreeing to and accept the terms and conditions set out in the License and/or Service Agreement which is supplied with the product.

Aykira is a trademark of ours. Unauthorised use of this trademark is prohibited.

The information contained in our website only provides a general guide about Aykira and our range of services. Changes in circumstances may occur at any time and these may impact on the accuracy of the information. We have taken reasonable care when producing this information, however, Aykira does not warrant the accuracy, or completeness of this information to the extent permitted by law.

By accessing our website, you agree that the information contained therein is provided in good faith by us but may not be totally accurate in relation to the services and products provided. To ensure accuracy in relation to our services and costs relating to providing these services and products, you should contact us for the latest information.

To the extent permitted by law, Aykira will not be liable to any person or organisation under any circumstances for any indirect, consequential, incidental or special damages arising in any way out of your use of our website.

This includes without limitation liability for any act or omission in reliance on the information in our website or any linked third party site. Where we cannot exclude liability, to the extent permitted by law, our liability will be limited to re supply of the relevant service/s or product/s or equivalent service/s or product/s, the cost of re supplying the service/s or product/s, or equivalent service/s or product/s, at our option.

Our website does not attempt to provide full details of all our services and products available. These vary from time to time as new services and products are introduced. Services and products currently provided may also be discontinued but still appear on our web site. For full up to date details of the services and products we provide, please contact us.

Governing Law Notices
Access to and use of our website is governed by the laws of New South Wales, Australia including without limitation the Copyright Act 1968, the Trademarks Act 1995 and the Trade Practices Act 1974 all of the Commonwealth of Australia.

By accessing our website, you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in New South Wales in connection with all matters relating to our site.

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