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Google email changes impact small businesses

As of 1st February 2024 Google will put in place several new requirements of those sending emails to Google based email accounts. In effect all businesses that send emails to Google based email accounts will have to implement these changes to ensure their emails will get through and will not either be deleted or put Read more about Google email changes impact small businesses[…]

Security and Architecture – always consider both together

Software or Systems architecture is often undertaken from a very technical point of view, the main concerns being around reducing technical complexity and dependencies to make it easier to deal with change in the long run. This is fine for ‘standalone systems’ but in today’s highly interconnected world – the boundary of a system is often Read more about Security and Architecture – always consider both together[…]

Cool one man off roader

Every once a while someone comes up with something completely left of field – in this case its the Swincar… It’s difficult to describe the Swincar – one part off roader, one part go-kart, one part fun! What we really like is that its inventors have catalogued the process of progressive refinement on YouTube, Read more about Cool one man off roader[…]

Website Analytics Graph

Growing your website traffic

Growing your website traffic is like any endeavour worth doing, it takes a certain degree of determination and focus combined with some knowledge and helpful tools & resources. You can grow your website traffic, it is possible – but you must understand this is not something that will occur overnight. There is no magic bullet Read more about Growing your website traffic[…]

Start-ups, Investment and Education in Australia: we need to do better

(This is a copy of a post I recently wrote on LinkedIN). I read Stuart McKeown’s post ‘Why Being an Australian Startup Sucks’ with interest. Especially in light of the recent failure of 99dresses and the in-depth exposé of the roller coaster Nicki Durkin went through. On the face of it Stuart’s article indicates that Read more about Start-ups, Investment and Education in Australia: we need to do better[…]

latest Internet Trends Report 2014

KPCB have just released their latest internet trends report, see here . For us it comes as no surprise that: Smart phone usage to access the Internet is still on the increase; Tablet usage is exploding (faster than uptake on PC’s ever!); Majority (97%) of mobile OS’es are either iOS, Android or Windows mobile; Video Read more about latest Internet Trends Report 2014[…]

Do you need a technical co-founder? – well, it depends…

I read Phil’s post stating that you don’t need a technical co-founder with some interest. Yes, at the very very start of a business, given the range of free to air tools out there, it’s right you don’t need a technical co-founder to do some quick iterations to get to your first cut of a product Read more about Do you need a technical co-founder? – well, it depends…[…]

The Importance of Website Loading Speed & Top 3 Factors That Limit Website Speed

The speed of your business website matters. Quick-loading websites perform better on every front: higher search ranking, superior user experience, and better user engagement. Most importantly, fast-loading websites deliver higher conversions and higher revenue. Slow Websites Hinder Mobile Traffic If you’re targeting mobile traffic and income (who isn’t), your website speed becomes even more critical. Read more about The Importance of Website Loading Speed & Top 3 Factors That Limit Website Speed[…]

Wireless takes a step up…

According to a gizmag article is appears a possible step change in wireless transmissions speeds could be on the cards. Which is not too unexpected, as the wireless transmission speeds have been growing by significant leaps roughly every 5 to 10 years – the limiter has been the cost of change for both consumer devices Read more about Wireless takes a step up…[…]