Strengthening username and password logins

Username and password based login is often seen as the weakest link in authentication – too often people choose weak passwords, write them down or reuse them. So on their own they are an easy target for hackers. But it need not be this way, if you have the ability to implement a few additional Read more about Strengthening username and password logins[…]

Detecting Cyber Security BS in CVs

Hiring competent people in cybersecurity is always important, as you cannot secure what you do not understand. The trouble is often those who are performing the hiring do not have an in-depth understanding of cyber security and what specific skills and experiences are required to perform a cyber security role well. Why is this so Read more about Detecting Cyber Security BS in CVs[…]

Australian Cyber Security Strategy – Discussion Paper, Response Template

To save people time in having to extract the questions from the PDF here , I have put together a Word document which you can download here. I’ve done some basic formatting and put in both the priorities and questions, as well as the Appendix A detailed questions; so you can select and answer whatever Read more about Australian Cyber Security Strategy – Discussion Paper, Response Template[…]

PII Hacking

Whose Face is it anyway? The ClearView AI Ruling

Recently (9th November 2021) the Australian Information Commissioner produced a ruling against Clearview AI Inc for its usage of the images of Australians scrapped from Social Media sites and found them to have failed to comply with the requirements of the Australian Privacy Principle and hence interfered with the privacy of Australian individuals, as follows: Read more about Whose Face is it anyway? The ClearView AI Ruling[…]

Protecting against the biggest security vulnerability

First off, do you know what the biggest single cause of security vulnerabilities and successful attacks against computer systems is? A lot of people think of insufficient access controls, a lack of process, SQL injection, etc but there is something more fundamental sitting behind a lot of these that often gets overlooked. I’m talking about Read more about Protecting against the biggest security vulnerability[…]

Security Event Logging, why it is so important

Every once in awhile I get asked why detailed event logging is so important when setting up cybersecurity controls at a business. In this article will attempt to explain why this is critically important. To log or not to log, that is question… When it comes to logging security events and being able to make Read more about Security Event Logging, why it is so important[…]

Cyber Security

How much should you spend on an external PenTest?

External Penetration Tests today come in all shapes and sizes, from the rudimentary highly automated scanning to the more detailed and human-driven PenTests, with often widely ranging costs to boot (3 to 4 times difference is not unusual for essentially the same thing). Sometimes it’s difficult to work out what form of external PenTest is Read more about How much should you spend on an external PenTest?[…]

Will the last AU based start-up please turn off the light?

It appears the Australian Federal Government is determined to do a Thelma & Louise and literally drive off a cliff into the abyss over truly mindless and ill-conceived legislation as concerns encryption, privacy and security. It has the potential to make us totally uncompetitive in global information technology markets and cut off at the knees a fledgling Read more about Will the last AU based start-up please turn off the light?[…]

PII Hacking

Privacy and Security go hand in hand

In our modern world its difficult to comprehend how many systems hold various bits of information on you, it ranges from banks, credit score agencies, dentists, all the way to SaaS providers and your telco. Social networks also have mountains of information on you that they mine to work out your personal preferences, so they Read more about Privacy and Security go hand in hand[…]

Australian Privacy Policy

Privacy and Your Business, what are the risks?

Privacy is a big concern if you are running a business, regardless of size. All businesses need to keep sensitive information about their customers, staff, associations and potential customers – all of this will contain information that pertains to individuals which could cause them (and you) harm if illegal accessed or divulged. Further the ability Read more about Privacy and Your Business, what are the risks?[…]

Start-up Incubators in Sydney

Below are a list of Start-Up Incubators that currently operate in Sydney and are principally Australia/Sydney focussed. Note: I have not incubators which are part of a global chain or organisation, these are ‘home grown’ incubators only… BTW if you think I’ve missed someone that should be on this list – let me know. Cicada Read more about Start-up Incubators in Sydney[…]

Beware of Salesmen bearing SLA’s

This is in relation to some consulting with a business about whether to use an Off The Shelf (OTS) solution for some auth middleware or not. To OTS or not to OTS – is that the question? Sorry for mangling Shakespeare but when considering an OTS solution, compared to doing something else (like doing in Read more about Beware of Salesmen bearing SLA’s[…]

Website Checker Soft Launch

We have just finished putting together an online tool for website owners or developers who are looking for a one stop place to check their websites. See The idea for the tool came from a core frustration with how bad most websites we came across were in terms of: Very Slow Performance – Taking absolutely Read more about Website Checker Soft Launch[…]