Matt Cutts from Google explains in the video below exactly why you need a website for your business…
It’s pretty simple really, if you don’t have a website and depend upon having entries in Yellow Pages and the like, then literally the only people who are going to find you are:
- People who have already done business with you and can remember your company name, or,
- The few people who hit exactly on the category you got listed under.
The big issues in not having a business website are as follows:
- You will be unable to ‘upsell’ your business and its exact services to prospective customers or clients. A directory listing is just that, it cannot contain the full details and ‘special qualities’ your business has over your competition.
- You will not show up at all for all those searches for your products or services that do NOT hit your directory listings. For all you know they could form the majority of business to be had and its all going to your competitors who DO have a website. No good coming first on an exact match against your services or products when the volume of searches for your products or services are elsewhere…
- You will get absolutely ZERO exposure in the social and business networks to your business. You literally will not be there to be found.
Also if you never have a website you will unable to escape the expenses of paying for your advertising and listings. SEO and AdWords if done right need not cost the earth and can be very effective.
Remember Google and other similar search engines operate their own business listings and provide quite extensive support for businesses wanting to advertise online. Why go through a third party listing site on the possibility that you might show up in search results, when you can do it direct and cut out your competition & the overhead?
If you require a website, please get in touch now .